Fighting Human Trafficking: A Meeting with Prosecutors in Bangkok

April 30, 2024

Fighting Human Trafficking: A Meeting with Prosecutors in Bangkok

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to attend a meeting in Bangkok focused on combating human trafficking. As many of you know, this is an issue I deeply care about at the Fountain of Life Center, the Good Shepherd Thailand.


The meeting was organized by the Office of the Attorney General and included representatives from various NGOs working on anti-trafficking initiatives.

We gathered to share information, discuss the current landscape of human trafficking, and explore ways to collaborate more effectively in preventing and prosecuting these crimes.


At the Fountain of Life Center, we see firsthand the devastating impact human trafficking has on women and children. During the meeting, I had the chance to share our experiences working in the field. This included highlighting the challenges faced by victims, the importance of victim rehabilitation, and the need to hold perpetrators accountable.

One of the key takeaways for me was the emphasis on collaborative efforts. Eradicating human trafficking requires a united front - government agencies, NGOs, and the general public all working together.

"Human trafficking is a horrendous crime that inflicts immense suffering," I said at the meeting. "It's crucial that all sectors join forces to combat this issue.


The Fountain of Life Center is committed to supporting victims and advocating for stronger legal enforcement."

This meeting is a positive step forward in Thailand's ongoing fight against human trafficking. Our country has made significant progress in recent years, but there's still more work to be done to end this exploitation entirely.