Palm Leaf Weaving | Traditional Art for Palm Tuesday

March 25, 2020

Weaving or Braiding the Blessed Palms from Palm Sunday

Palm weaving is the folding and weaving of strips of palm leaves, also called fronds to create different objects. 

It is an ancient art that originated in the tropics, where the palm leaves grow and many cultures have long used these leaves to create religious and decorative items. 

Christian Tradition

  • During Easter time, the workshop on traditional Palm weaving is held at our center. Palm weaving tradition is found in many countries, the craft requires extreme patience and technical skills and it is a good way to relax your mind and develop creativity. 

Thai Cultural Tradition

  • Fan palm fronds are traditionally believed to be propitious plants as they were used as manuscripts for Buddhist scriptures.
  • In Thai culture, the carp is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. In Thailand, the woven fish is made from palm leaves and sways above babies' cribs for good luck. 

  • Thai handicraft products are famous around the world for their uniqueness, quality craftsmanship, and wide range of products.

Below you can watch a beautiful video from one of our Easter Palm Weaving workshops led by Teacher Fern.

All creativity development workshops are designated to support and empower vulnerable women through art therapy healing.

Kind Regards, 

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